Tuesday, 29 June 2010

And I was right...

...my second Vinyasa yoga class did almost make me faint! Partly my own fault, I hadn't drunk any water that day so I got super-dehydrated plus I'd only had a few hours and I felt pretty rough at some points during the 1.5 hour dynamic class. When we were finished I told the teacher this, and he said I should drink a litre or so of water a couple of hours before to make up for the water I was going to lose, and that if I felt faint at any time I should stop (I knew this already, but I was too proud to stop). Mid-stretch, dripping with sweat enclosed in a smallish studio with 8 other people in the midst of a Madrid summer with no AC as the instructor told us to push it a little further I was telling myself - 'never again' - I just can't do this. But after the class, I have to admit I did feel energised and like I'd had a good work out. I had a chat with the teacher and my classmates who were all very friendly and reassured me that it does get better with time. Also, I couldn't believe the teacher and his girlfriend were actually getting on for 40 - it seems like their hours of dedication to yoga practice and a good deal of sweating have left them with with the nubile bodies of twenty-somethings. Kind of makes me wish I didn't spend most of my day sat in an office, lucky that I am that said office job pays for yoga classes and the like...

P.s. Just wanted to mention also that the little Nike shorts I bought for the classes were really comfortable and definitely much less restricting than the cottony ones I wore last time.

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